

Solve the anniversary crossword and win a prize!

After having been part of the International Chemistry Olympiad 2023 in Zurich, the mascot of the Swiss Chemistry Olympiad is looking for a new adventure. He heard that the Science Olympiads are celebrating their 20th anniversary in 2024. For this occasion, he decided to challenge himself in all ten disciplines. Help him to win them all!

Archive "goodie bag" 1: EGOI 2021 bag, IPhO 2016 shirt (size M), EGMO 2017 Zurich postcards and matching pencil.

Archive "goodie bag" 2: IPhO 2016 bag, EGOI 2021 notepad and matching pen, DVD "Biology happens" (Swiss Biology Olympiad documentary), stamp with the old Science Olympiad logo.

Archive "goodie bag" 3: EGMO 2017 bag, DVD "La chimie dans tous ces états" with chemistry lessons from Olympiad founder Maurice Cosandey, IPhO 2016 magazine, EGOI 2021 sticker set, puzzle toy.

  1. There are … different disciplines which are part of the Science Olympiads.
  2. The first Swiss team to participate in an international Olympiad was in …
  3. The first International Olympiad hosted by Switzerland was the International … Olympiad in 2013.
  4. Photosynthesis in plants takes place in organelles called …
  5.  … is a measure of the total output of an economy.
  6. An equilibrium is reached if the supply of a good equals the … thereof.
  7. The pH in a human stomach is usually … than 5.
  8. A Gyro-Sensor measures … velocity.
  9.  …: Something that seems to have contradictory components.
  10. Acceleration describes a change in …
  11. The sum of all angles in a … is equal to 180 degrees.
  12. A symbol representing a word, syllable or sound is called a …
  13. An … can be viewed as a recipe for getting from a given input to a desired output.
  14. The biggest glacier in Europe is located in …
  15. The altitude of the sun is the same in autumn as in …
  16. Addition of a … to a reaction decreases the activation energy for that reaction.

This puzzle was created by Jasmin Frei from the Chemistry Olympiad. Check out her other crossword about nobel prizes in chemistry.

Send the solution word to info@olympiad.ch by September 14, 2024 to enter the raffle for the prizes. Five names will be drawn. The person whose name was first drawn will receive the first prize unless they prefer another one, and so on.

2004-the-win: If your birth year is 2004, just like the Science Olympiad, let us know! Your name will enter the raffle twice, giving you a better chance to win.

First prize

A digital subscription to Nautilus science magazine for one year.

Second prize

A voucher for Stapferhaus museum in Lenzburg.

Third, fourth and fifth prize

Three "goodie bags" containing miscellaneous items from the Science Olympiad archives (see photos above for details).

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